(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)
cubrid_new_glo — Is used to create a glo instance
The cubrid_new_glo() function is used to create a glo instance in the requested class (glo class). The glo created is a LO type, and is stored in the file_name file.
Connection identifier.
Name of the class that you want to create a glo in.
The file name that you want to save in the newly created glo.
Oid of the instance created, when process is successful.
FALSE, when process is unsuccessful.
例1 cubrid_new_glo() example
$oid = cubrid_new_glo ($con, "glo", "input.jpg");
if ($oid){
// the type of column "image" is "object"
$req = cubrid_execute ($con, "insert into person(image) values($oid)");
if ($req) {
echo "image inserted successfully";
cubrid_close_request ($req);
下位互換のために、次の非推奨別名を使用してもいいでしょう。 cubrid_new_glo()
This function is removed from CUBRID 3.1.